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We explore how you need your risr/apply module to work, translating your objectives into our module to make your administration simple and efficient


We do a deep dive and complete a risr/assess ‘Exam Fit’ exercise to identify the best way to configure your assessments, together with mapping key outcomes and treatments for your processes


We work with you on a risr/advance ‘readiness’ exercise. This is to explore how you need the module to work for you and your users, whilst identifying innovative methods to apply to your processes


We explore how you need your risr/apply module to work, translating your objectives into our module to make your administration simple and efficient


Our experts support you with every aspect of the set-up, training and review process, ensuring you are 100% comfortable when you go live


The risr/team will consult and guide you on the best set-up for your users and invest time in training your team before the module is activated