We believe community learning and knowledge sharing are fundamental for customer success and for the development of the assessment industry.
meet the community
digital meet ups
Tap into our network of global platform users
face to face
Networking with people doing similar roles in similar organisations
Hear from our dedicated experts in their respective fields
online user group and information sessions
We host these sessions to bring existing and new clients together to share experiences and ideas, and to hear the latest updates from the risr/team.
Hear about the latest module
developments from the team,
and have your questions answered
Upcoming dates: will be announced shortly
Watch previous sessions:
Meet other assessment specialists from
across the globe and exchange
Upcoming dates: will be announced shortly
Watch previous sessions:
Join in the discussion and hear from people
in different types of organisations,
based in different regions
Upcoming dates: will be announced shortly
Watch previous sessions:
Free to attend and open to everyone, these sessions are a fantastic way to further your knowledge and expertise in an open and friendly environment. If there are any topics of particular interest to you, please submit your suggestions to the team
Implementing best practices
in eportfolio management
Looking at the considerations of implementing a new eportfolio platform, the primary goals
the standardisation of training and the management of data.
Introduction to the calibration
and marking workflow
Review of risr/assess on-platform marking features
such as marking calibration, supporting assessment, facilitating double
marking and other important functionalities.