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risr/apply accessibility statement


Our promise to you

Please be aware that our efforts are ongoing, at Fry-IT Ltd trading as risr/ (“risr/”, “we”, “us” or “our”), we implement  the relevant improvements to meet WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines over time. If you need assistance in using the processes found within this site, or have specific questions or concerns about the accessibility of this site, please contact us at

Measures to support accessibility

risr/ takes the following measures to ensure accessibility of risr/apply:

  • Include accessibility throughout our internal policies.

  • Appoint an accessibility officer and/or ombudsperson.

  • Provide continual accessibility training for our staff.

Conformance status

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. risr/apply is partially conformant with WCAG 2.1 level AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content do not fully conform to the accessibility standard.

Additional accessibility considerations

Although our goal is WCAG 2.1 Level AA conformance, within risr/apply, we have also applied some Level AAA Success Criteria. In terms of colour contrast, we advise our users to aim for a minimum of 7:1 (AAA) contrast.


We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of risr/apply. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on risr/apply:



020 7096 8800


Visitor Address:

71-75 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ


Compatibility with browsers and assistive technology

As part of our commitment to accessibility, we aim to ensure that risr/apply is compatible with:

  • Recent versions of popular screen readers

  • Operating system screen magnifiers

  • Speech recognition software

  • Operating system speech packages

Technical specifications

Accessibility of risr/apply relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer:

  • HTML


  • CSS

  • JavaScript

These technologies are relied upon for conformance with the accessibility standards used.

Limitations and alternatives

Despite our best efforts to ensure accessibility of risr/apply, there may be some limitations. Below is a description of known limitations, and potential solutions. Please contact us if you observe an issue not listed below.

Known limitations for risr/apply:


Keyboard navigation

While most of risr/apply is usable with just a keyboard, some parts are still under development and we aim to fix these issues as part of our regular development processes. 

Development sprints have accessibility testing periods built-in.


Modal dialogs

Parts of risr/apply rely on modal dialogs that open and close on user action. While we are continually improving the user experience when these dialogs are visible on the page, there are instances where the modals will not function properly for users relying exclusively on the keyboard to navigate.



risr/apply relies heavily on forms, some of which are failing the “Success Criterion 2.4.6 - Headings and Labels.” We are aiming to constantly review form and form elements usage throughout risr/apply to provide labels to identify all form controls, including text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and drop-down menus.


Third–party websites

risr/apply may link to, or interface with, third-party websites that we do not control. These third-party vendors may not have undertaken the same efforts that we have in order to comply with WCAG-2.1 AA standards. 

Assessment approach

risr/ assessed the accessibility of risr/apply by the following approaches:

  • Self-evaluation.

Formal complaints

We encourage you to report any accessibility issues you may encounter by contacting us at or at 020 7096 8800 so we can assist you. We aim to respond to accessibility feedback within 5 business days, and to propose a solution within 10 business days.

Formal approval of this accessibility statement

This Accessibility Statement is approved by:


Bogdan Lazar, Accessibility officer

This statement was created on the 16th August 2022.