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One central point of information for our customers, our hub guides you through our services, release notes, documentation and support


We understand that training is an ongoing endeavour. Our knowledge base allows you to search for guidance documents which take you through each task step by step


If you can’t find the information you need, or if you have an immediate problem you need help with, simply raise a ticket on our service desk

dedicated contact

All of our team are here to support you, but we get that sometimes it’s easier to have one dedicated contact to liaise with, which is why we allocate all customers a key contact

Our support isn’t limited to our platforms or the risr/team, sometimes the support you need comes from being part of a community - so that’s what we have created, a risr/community.

digital meet

Tap into our network of global platform users

face to face

Networking with people doing similar roles in similar organisations


Hear from our dedicated experts in their respective fields

Our product modules and one platform solution offer everything you need tech wise, and we are here to support you with everything else.

What is an

Like many industries there are an abundance of acronyms which can be confusing.
Please download and share our
risr/acronym list

I need to create documentation, where do I start?

If you need any branding or logo guidance please contact the marketing team. Please also feel free to copy any documentation within the knowledge base

I have an invoice query,
who do I contact?

Please contact the finance
department with your enquiry
and they will be
happy to help

I’d like to learn more about your other modules, who do I contact?

Contact your account manager
or the sales department, they will
be happy to answer
any questions