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create exam questions

Develop a secure and comprehensive question bank

  • Create exam questions, use our inbuilt authoring and blueprinting tools to ensure validity, all through a comprehensive review and approval process.
  • Create exam questions using our inbuilt AI item set generator.
  • Create and maintain your own bank of questions across a wide range of question types including VSAs, MCQs, SBAs, OSCEs and other types of oral assessment.
  • Create innovative question types with images including DICOM, videos and other media.
  • Schedule exams flexibly through risr/apply.

manage exam delivery

Prepare and deliver exams across multiple locations

  • Enable your candidates to take exams online or offline, on paper, tablet, PC or laptop.
  • Hold your exams in a test centre, medical or workplace setting, or in a remote location.
  • Take advantage of the multi-lingual UI and translation capability to provide a more inclusive approach for your candidates.
  • Secure your exam content with locked down delivery.
  • Ensure quality and integrity with our remote proctoring partners.
  • Deliver oral assessments and admissions exams including OSCEs, Oral and MMI Stations.

analyse results

Provide standard setting, item performance and candidate and examiner feedback
Deliver multi-mode exam types including written, OSCE, oral, viva and MMI

  • Mark exams in real time, simplifying the review process.
  • Process results using common standard setting methodologies, including Angoff, Ebel, and Borderline Regression.
  • Access a variety of reports and exports allowing detailed feedback to be produced for candidates and examiners.
  • Publish results in risr/advance or a separate e-portfolio and provide a holistic view of how candidates are performing.

step 1

Our business analysts work with you on a simple benefit mapping exercise to make sure your needs are understood and met

step 2

We collaborate with you on an ‘Exam Fit’ exercise to explore how you need your exams to work, translating your objectives into our risr/assess module

step 3

Our subject matter experts work through every aspect of the set-up, training, management and review process, making sure you have what you need,
when you need it


Manage the set-up, payment and application process


Auto-publish all assessment and exam results to your users